Cooler than expected this morning, around 37 degrees, but a good morning to break out the bricks for Pelican and YHC. Definitely a rinse and repeat kind of impromptu Q, but the chatter was good and the fingers were frozen.
Warmup (all 10-15x IC)
– Seal jacks
– Toe touches
– Torso twists
– Grass grabbers
– Hillbillies
– Self love
Tabata: 1 minute each exercise with bricks, 30 seconds rest, 3 rounds, with some moseying around the block before each group of six exercises:
-Arm curls
-Cherry pickers
-Hallelujah squats
-Arm circles
-Triceps extensions
-Milk maids
20 IC crunchy frogs closed us out.
COT, Name-o-Rama, and prayer closed out, where we continued to lift up Akbar and his mom.
Until the next time, SYITG.