Rotating Rock Party – from Jose10k
Rotating Rock Party – from Jose10k

Rotating Rock Party – from Jose10k

PAX:BBQ, Jose10k, Mobydick, Russo, Turbo Dog

YHC arrived to see a Mandevillian chilling in his car. Russo was ready to go, until they needed to weedeat behind his car, the only grass in the parking lot, and Russo parks there.
With no one picking up the Q, YHC decided to pull out an old favorite. Time to rotate at the rock garden.
Warm-ups: All IC, ssh, grass grabbers, torso twists, self love
The Thang: Moseyed to the rock garden where everyone grabbed a rock. We did 10 reps in cadence. Curls for the girls, shoulder presses, squats, and rows. Then rotate. Rinse and repeat all the way around. Then we did a lap around the courthouse. Stopping at the back and the front for some irkins. Back to the rock garden where the two elder F3 brothers put their two heads together for 5 exercises in tabata style, 1 minute on, 30 seconds rest. Triceps, torso twists, bouncie squats, chest presses, and lbc’s. Moseyed back to the flag, COT, and Moby prayed us out.
Announcements: Gnarly Nutria coming up on July 20th
Intentions: Continue prayers for BBQ’s mother who is doing much better.
Thanks for letting me lead gentlemen.