Rock, paper, scissors to see who leads?!?!?!? – from Darkwing Duck
Rock, paper, scissors to see who leads?!?!?!? – from Darkwing Duck

Rock, paper, scissors to see who leads?!?!?!? – from Darkwing Duck

QIC:Darkwing Duck
PAX:Bushwacker, Darkwing Duck, Einstein, Fletch, Jose10k, Mobydick, turbodog

Beautiful morning to take the red pill and get some work in. No one picked up the Q so it was a little ROSHAMBO to take the lead. Regular warm-up, then mosey to the courthouse.
A set of 11s was the choice. Burpees at the side walk, big boys at the top of the stairs, 5 calf raises at each step, with a lap down the ramp and around the side in between each set.
Ended right a 6. COT. Simple beatdown, simple back blast for a great group of HIMS.