Riverdance Redux
Riverdance Redux

Riverdance Redux

PAX:Beast, Bourbon Balls, Bushwacker, Butt Splice, Carpool, Einstein, Moby Dick, Ocho, Prankster, Shooter, Steve, Tanked Up, Tiger Bait (FNG), TurboTax (QIC)

Another beautiful morning on the Mandeville Lakefront. Fourteen men gathered around the shovel flag in the dark but quite nice Gloom to jump start their weekends with a beatdown.  T-claps to Bushwacker, Shooter, and Steve for posting pre-Fallen Heros 5k and special t-claps to Bushwacker and Steve for engaging in a little 2 mile Foreplay before the beatdown before the Fallen Heros 5k.

Disclaimer and then down to business with

The Warmup:

5 Burpees OYO

Seal Jacks 31x IC

7 Burpees OYO

Windmills 15x IC

9 Burpees OYO

Shoulder circles forward (golf ball, baseball, softball, volleyball, basketball, beach ball sized circles) then reverse (beach ball to golf ball) followed by OH hand claps 15x IC

11 Burpees OYO

Copperhead Squats 20x IC

9 Burpees OYO

Butt Kicks 20x IC

7 Burpees OYO

Imperial Walkers 20x IC

5 Burpees OYO

The Thang:

Mosey Westward down the Lakefront for some multi-directional mobility/plyometric work from little oak tree to fireplug (about 15 yards):

Straight legged toe bounces forward, lateral both directions, and then backwards.

Bounce extends forward, lateral both directions, and then backwards.

Prime times (Deion Sanders’) forward, exaggerated bounce extend lateral both directions and then exaggerated backpedals.

Finally, frog hops to vertical jumps.

YHC observes that this is perhaps the closest he’ll ever come to participating in a Riverdance performance.  Butt Splice, in particular, with his flowing hair and straight arms, looked straight out of the Old Country.  I hope the neighbors were watching because the PAX could have saved them a trip to the actual show.

Mosey Westward again for the next COP, a Ring of Fire:  T push ups 10x IC, move to the right, Shoulder Taps 10x IC, move to the left, Hip Slappers 10x IC, move to the right, Peter Parkers, move to the left, then a 20 count Mission Impossible hold.

Recover to a shuttle run:  4 cones positioned 20 yards apart, sprint to the first cone, execute one T push up, sprint to start, sprint to second cone, execute one T push up, sprint to start, etc.  Rinse and repeat for second round after a breather.

Sticking with the cone setup, YHC split the PAX into two groups of seven, one group at 0 yards and the other at 80 with a tennis ball each for the second group.  Partner up with the PAX across from you.  The second group sprinted to the 40 yard cone, threw their tennis balls to their partners, and jogged to the 0 while the first group sprinted with tennis ball in hand to the 80 only to return to the 40 where they threw the balls back to their partners.  Four complete rounds.

Mosey Eastward now to our little oak tree and fireplug for Animals on Parade:  crab walk, ostrich walk, duck walk, bear crawl, lizard walk, and then inchworm.

Back to the shovel flag for some Mary:  Vladimir Putins 31x IC, Nolan Ryans each side 17x IC, Scuba Steves 31x IC, and then 60 seconds of front planks on elbows.

Countorama, nameorama (welcome FNG Tiger Bait), and Ocho prayed us out on our way to the Coffeeteria.

Great job men.  Thanks for letting me lead.  Always an honor and a pleasure.