Seeing the Q sheet blank at the Gipper and the Scramble YHC decided to signup and fill the post. Shortly after Q received a message from Bushwhacker confirming a meet at the old WD parking lot.. Little did Q know he had also EHed Steve for a reunion car pool to convoy up to the north.. YHC had also EHed Akbar to meet and join, but was instructed if no sightings had occurred by 0540 to rollout, so that’s what we did. Now Akbar still posted and shortly into the beatdown Akbar would come to learn that YHC was informed of a recent “Ring of Fire” incident… Funny story to me but maybe not those involved, but never the less felt obliged to pay homage…
Cherry pickers, self love, Torso twists, Toe Touches, Windmills, Grass grabbers, Butt kicks and High knees..
Moseyed a lap down the trailhead and around back to the flag at which point YHC noticed a new 6 foot barrier between the PAX coupons.. Wasted no time and called an audible in my head..
Moseyed to the school board building where we circled around the flag for a sweet ole campfire song by the famous Johnny Cash.
“Ring of Fire” played as the PAX completed Merkins. Next we partnered up for wall sits P1 and P2 instructed to sprint around the building. R/R 2x. Next we Indian ran in 2 groups to the front of the Justice center for P1 Right and Left leap frogs on the benches while P2 bunny hopped up the steps and moseyed the ramps down to F/J. Then we we moseyed to the backside of the center for P1 freak nasties on the benches and P2 Carioca to the steps sprinting up like Rocky and returning. R/R 2x.
Moseyed back to the AO to finish with the Worse Merkin ever to 10 and some Core.
Wife pleasers, Jane Fonda’s 3 styles, 100s, hands to heels and leg raises..
Counted off, announced another potential Wacker vacation in Kokomo (possibly Jan/Feb) and Barely legal prayed us out with thoughts and condolences for the families of the recent murders of a retired Priest and pastoral council member found just the other day in Covington… 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Appreciate the follow gentlemen and until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!