Return to routine, including Bushwacker!! – from Shooter
Return to routine, including Bushwacker!! – from Shooter

Return to routine, including Bushwacker!! – from Shooter

PAX:Bushwacker, Chewy, Russo, Waterpik, JV

6 PAX decided to post the Gloom at The Scramble for the return of routine.. No JV we will not meet at Messina and Monroe this time but may very well in the future, so resist killing the leg workouts at the gym till after Thursday’s.. YHC decided to instruct the sprinters in Waterpik and Bushwacker to make two loops will Chewy and I did one and the Ruckers to the gate and back…
Everything was routine, including Bushwacker running straight to the bathroom upon our return as the rest of us closed out with some stretching…

Appreciate the post gentlemen, including you Bushwacker 😝and Chewy closed us out with COT..

Until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!!