Return of the Yippee Bag – from Rudy
Return of the Yippee Bag – from Rudy

Return of the Yippee Bag – from Rudy

PAX:Ballast, Catfish, Cheese Steak, Chips, el guapo, Fracsac, Heisenberg, Hokie, Mahatma, Maytag, Mr Rodgers, Revit, Rudy, Smooth, Sparky, Thumb War, Triple Shift, Vagabond, War Eagle, Sunshine, Breezy

Late August – it means the dog days of summer, the never ending sun, heat and humidity. But fortunately, it also means the annual Yippee Bag workout! 3 FNGs (including YHC’s nephew) joined 18 regulars for the annual celebration of … Me.

First: Disclaimer. I did better than I did on Thursday, when I forgot it entirely. But this time, even with the FNGs, I barely got any coherent sentence out. “Be safe. mutter mutter mumble.” But eventually, with the help of other PAX – we got the message across to everyone.

Circle up on the Great Lawn (after dropping some coupons on the sidelines) for a warm up. Stretching, SSH, IW. Then explain the rules of the Yippee Bag: at any point in the workout, any PAX can reach in and pull something out. Might be a game, a contest, exercises, whatever. Whatever the card says, follow the instructions.

The Thang: ….

Catfish is first to the Yippee Bag, pulling out a rousing game of Duck Duck Goose to get us started. Clearly, YHC is the slowest. Triple Shift thought he was fast, but could not catch Mr. Rogers (even though Mr. Rogers was slowed by a 30 lb weight vest).

Lets try this again: The Thang: Partner up for a Dora
100 Burpees, 200 Merkins, 300 Squats (or Big Boy Sit Ups, YHC was at times quite confused).

Lots of Yippee – War Eagle’s 2.0 Gideon seemed to enjoy it the most. Especially the Rifle Carry (he carrying a brick, Catfish with a Cinder Block). Burpees. Squat Jumps, Sit Ups. Slowly the yard is getting covered in used White Notecards.

A quick game of Freeze Tag. YHC Nephew lasted longest, while avoiding planked and frozen PAX.

This DORA is taking too long. Several of the Beasts finished and were waiting (Mahatma, Heisenberg, Mr. Rogers among others). But after 30 mins – time to call it and move on.

The Thang 3: Ladder BLIMPS. More burpees. And More Yippees. War Eagle back to the bag, pulling a Bear Crawl race followed immediately by a Crab Walk race. Meanwhile, the PAX are burpeeing, lunging, merkining. Sometimes because of BLIMPS, sometimes because of Yippees.

And there was much grumbling about sore arms. “When is it Leg Time?” seemed to be a common refrain. So fine.

The Thang 3: Groups of 3 – 1 PAX on the sideline Jump Squatting. 1 PAX halfway across holding Al Gore. 1 PAX bear crawling (with bricks) between them. Confusion, Alternating, at this point – YHC was all but immune to the gripes of the PAX. Just keep plowing along. 8 Count Body Builder cards are pulled.

Finally, giving in to peer pressure from YHC, his nephew goes to the Yippee Bag and pulls out the Crunch Frog card. Everyone on their 6, Crunchy Frog in cadence x21. Then we are out of time.

Back to the flag for the 5 Principles for the FNGs. Naming:
* Sparky – just moved to St. Rose, an electrician. Took about 5 seconds
* Burrow (later renamed to Breezy) – War Eagle’s son. Took about 20 seconds.
* Sunshine – YHC’s nephew, sophomore at Jesuit. Took about 10 minutes.

Thanks for letting me lead!

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