As it is Tuesday, the book of Revit says Burpees are acceptable, however, still unpleasant, so we began with 10 OYO. Mosey uptown to the parks edge looping back to Tulane and Gibson Quad for a warm-up circle.
Circle 1: SSH x 20, Arm Circles Forward & Reverse, Peter Parkers*x10 (Pace Car / Alamo Style), Russian Twist x 20
*So last Friday at the Mountain, Pace Car from San Antonio was doing his Peter Parkers differently than we do. Our version is more bow legged mountain climber. Pace Car did that but with a Merican in between each rise of the leg!
Moseyed on to the Navy building where we broke up into 2 groups Alpha and Omega. Omega did pull ups while Alpha journeyed into the Navy Building to get the log! T-Claps to #SeaBiscuit for the assist. Returned to the pull up bars, gave the log to Omega group to carry it over to LBC quad. Alpha stayed behind to do a max set then joined Omega at the quad.
Circle 2: BLIMPS increments of 10. While one group BLIMP’d the other took the log around the quad.
Following BLIMPS we were tight on time but attempted 1-2-3. 50 Big Boy situps with the log while the other group ran to the opposite side of the quad then 100 chest presses. Wanted to do shoulder presses but out of time.
Returned the log to the COT.
*It’s give NOLA day and YOUTHNOLA Run was there raising the bar. We all do a lot in our goal to make a difference. Some mentor with Son of a Saint, YOUTHNOLA, and CAFE HOPE, please consider!