Remember 9/11 – from Fracsac
Remember 9/11 – from Fracsac

Remember 9/11 – from Fracsac

PAX:Fracsac, Hokie, Pool Boy, Tenderloin, Hand Grenada, Wedding Planner, Mr Rogers, Scantron, Rougarou, Triple Shift, Bogey, Manziel

With a Q-less Rock City at 0530, the Knot’s Pax left to do their thing so YHC gave a disclaimer and took the reins. Started with a warmup on the field.
Mosey to Rock pile and grab a medium rock.
With this being anniversary of 9/11 we had a 9/11 themed beat down.

10 no cheat ‘mericans and 11 burpees
3 sets of 11 reps with a rock of stuff

10 no cheat ‘mericans and 11 burpees
3 sets of 11 reps with a rock of stuff

10 no cheat ‘mericans and 11 burpees
3 sets of 11 reps with a rock of stuff

Mosey to gym and find some bleachers.
9 steps up and down x 11 rounds

Lots of calf raises followed by some Mary.

COT remembering the attack 22 years ago.