Quattro Rounndso  – from Kenna Brah
QQuuaattttrroo RRoouunnnnddssoo   ffrroomm KKeennnnaa BBrraahh

Quattro Rounndso – from Kenna Brah

QIC:Kenna Brah
PAX:Bolt, Fracsac, Kenna Brah, Mahatma, Mr Rodgers, Wedding Planner

Saw some fellas in the gloom and they joined me for some fun.
Mosey to rocks
MTN MAN pooper Good mornings
open/close the gate
Slow vagodas
Grass grabbers
Arm circles f/b

Pick a rock, rifle carry to pavilion
Set 1)
3 rounds 5 reps:
1) merkin with 1 4 ct mtn climber at the top, merkin with 1 Parker Peter, merkin with 1 Peter Parker
2) merkin to bird dog 5 x
3) LBCs

Set 2)
3 rounds 10 reps
( lost my sheet, can’t remember All details)
With rock
10x sumo squats
10x row
10x curl

Set 3)
3 rounds 15 reps
Left leg step ups
Right leg step up
L/R single leg
Wife pleasers

3 rounds 20 reps
With Rock
Details lost 🙁