Putting in the Work on Labor Day – from Mayhem
Putting in the Work on Labor Day – from Mayhem

Putting in the Work on Labor Day – from Mayhem

PAX:Mayhem, Maytag

5:30am 76 degrees 90% RH
No need for a disclaimer as @Maytag and I know the drill

We headed to the flagpole south of the south endzone
Faced the flag and listened to Chris Stapleton’s Star Spangled Banner (stolen from @Chips)
All warmup exercises were done counting the first 5 aloud, followed by the remaining 10 in silence to appreciate the song on this Labor Day

Mosey to the bleachers for snake run followed by 10 burpees OYO (stolen from @Mahatma)
Mosey to the field where the cones were setup

Webicide Rd1:
Bear crawl 5 yards, 1 merkin, bear crawl 5 more yards, 2 merkins, 5 more yards, 3 merkins, etc.
Total bear crawl 50 yards, Total of 55 merkins

Webicide Rd2:
Lunge walk 10 yards, 2 jump squats, lunge walk 10 more yards, etc.
Total lunge 80 yards, Total of 60 jump squats

Mosey to the gym

Grab some rail for 3 rounds of 20 calf raises, regular, toes out, toes in

Jackass Burpee Web: 1 burpee, 2 donkey kicks, 2 burpees, 4 donkey kicks… to 6/12 for now

To the parking lot for some cardio and mary
Rd1: Pax 1 runs backwards 100 yds while Pax 2 does Big Boys, fj
Rd2: Pax 1 karaokes 100 yds while Pax 2 does Freddie Mercurys, fj
Rd 3: Pax 1 side shuffles 100 yds while Pax 2 does leg lifts, fj

Jackass Burpee Web: Return to the wall for 7 burpees and 14 donkey kicks

Mosey back to the cones on the field

Webicide Rd3:
Crab walk 10 yds, 2 crab cakes (2 is 1), crab walk 10 more yds, 4 crab cakes, etc.
Total crab walk 50 yds, Total crab cakes 30

Webicide Rd4:
Duck walk 10 yds, 2 squats, duck walk 10 more yds, 4 squats, etc.
Total duck walk 50 yds, Total squats 30

Back to the flag

Count, Name, Announcements (annniversary/convergence), Intentions

Said an Our Father for all those great dads out there and all of those that could use a little extra help!

Thanks for showing up @Maytag

I assumed many would be busy on this Labor Day… but I do know of one in particular that fartsacked, whom shall remain nameless.


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