Pull up O rama
Pull up O rama

Pull up O rama

PAX:SeaBass, Big Fish, EiEi, Nacho, Chewy (YHC)

EiEi has been recently inspired by the American Ninja Warrior marathon which aired on the (esquire channel?) stated that his New Years resolution is to be able to do 20 consecutive pull-ups.
What better way to start than the 1st F3 workout of 2017:

The thang:

mosey 2 laps to wait on any stragglers, keep moseying to livingston playground with some fartleks and lunge walks sprinkled in.

at the play ground: burpee pull ups x 5 (YHC’s new favorite that he stumbled across in a woman’s fitness magazine; dead hang knee to chest x 10 IC, pull ups with lateral shifts at top x 10 OYO

plank walk to swings: TRX style ~ rollouts, pikes and SL squats, Plank walk back to mokey bars for one last set of pull ups x 5

Mosey back to trailhead:

Get ups with 15# wt x 5 Each arm, slalom run through the posts, jump-rope, alternating rounds through each member of the pax

finish up with multi-segmental rolling leading with each extremity

COT: prayer

Welcome back Nacho (and the shovel flag) from the ‘offseason’