Promise made. Promise kept… – from Shooter
Promise made. Promise kept… – from Shooter

Promise made. Promise kept… – from Shooter

PAX:Akbar, Chewy, Jose10k, Russo, Steve, Waterpik, VTach

I know what you thinking with the title of this BB.. Who is this YHC? Is he a politician of sorts? Absolutely NOT, and we are not going there anyway.. Simply put, the previous day a promise was made and this gloom a promise was kept.. YHC expressed in his previous BB he would be incorporating the No Cheat Merkin to the PAX he leads and today was the day.. Thanks again VTach!!
Brief warmup of 15IC seal jacks, arm circles, butt kicks, SSH, Abe Vogadas and 10 OYO No Cheat Merkins.

Akbar, Chewy and Russo rucked out and returned. Jose10k, Steve, Waterpik and Q ran the standard route with a loop and some modifications along the way for the PAX to finish up at the same time. Once back at the AO we finished with 10IC LMCs, alternating L/R elbow to knee and 20IC flutter kicks closing with NCMs 10 OYO..

Scramble was Hammerless for the first time in a while, in fact no one could put a date on it because of his consistent presence.You were present in thought brother and missed in chatter.

Chewy closed us with prayers for Jose10k’s prior student Chance and safe travels for my son’s return to North Carolina.

Appreciate the post and until the next Gloom 👊🏼👍🏼✌🏼!!