Play Time in the Enchanted Forest
Play Time in the Enchanted Forest

Play Time in the Enchanted Forest

PAX:Amnesty, Cowbell, DaParish, Douille, FracSac, Hawgcycle, Heisenburg, Jingle Vader, Kim Chi, Maverick, Reverend, Rudy, Shorty, Side Effects, Tool

A crisp cool morning – at last the heat wave has broken.  In the morning gloom, the PAX started arriving, clad in the black F3 tshirts.  Apparently, someone must have established a uniform for today – at least until Amnesty appeared in his home-game Purple.  Certain PAX showed their toughness by choosing to don layers to fend off the chill generated by the brisk breeze.  Strong?  Or Tough?

Disclaimer, then off to the lawn.

COP 1: Burpee Play Time: How long does it take a gang of 14 men to arrange in alphabetical order?  Apparently 24 seconds.  But since they got it right, YHC decided to cut that number in half, so we started with 12 Burpees OYO.

Then in celebration of Notre Dame’s 2-5 record, together we went through warmup – all exercises 25x: SSH, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Left-side Nolan Ryan, Right-side Nolan Ryan, Monkey Humpers.

Mosey to the Enchanted Forest.

COP 2: Animal Parade.  Partner up, and as a pair animal walk to the next Oak tree.  At the tree, PAX 1 does 25 ‘murican, PAX 2 planks.  On to the next tree and flapjack.  Repeat till each pax has hit 100 Muricans.  Animal walk between trees – Bears, Ducks, Crabs, Frogs.  OYO.  Go.

YHC apparently overestimated the collective ability of the PAX to understand this relatively simple exercise.  YHC was impressed, however, with the group’s creativity: Gazelles, Cheetahs, and Penguins all made appearances.

PAX suggested that perhaps “overthinking it” was a flaw not only of the ND football team, but also of YHC.  Whatever.

COP 3: Burpee Play Time: How long does it take a gang of 14 to arrange in alphabetical order based on M’s name?  38 seconds.  OK, maybe it would’ve been faster with better instructions from YHC.  Conceding the point, YHC reduced the penalty to 15 burpees OYO.

Partner up.  PAX 1 runs to bench near the fountain and does 25 dips and returns.  Meanwhile, PAX 2 does ab work.  Flapjack.  Repeat x4.  Putins, Cockroaches, Box Cutters and Freddy Mercury.

Mosey to the Museum

COP 4: Visit the Tooth Fairy.  Wait, is that Maverick?  Yes it is!  Better late than never!  Group 1: Incline Murkin’s up the stairs, increasing reps by 1 on each step.  14 steps, 105 total Irkins.  Groups 2 and 3: People’s chair and Lunges while waiting on the Irkins.  Cycle through each station.

COP 5: Burpee Play Time: On museum lawn, PAX sprint about 200 yards.  Repeat.  1 burpee penalty for every PAX that doesn’t hit their first sprint time.  That worked out to 15 burpees – as no one hit their time.  Nice work, PAX (seriously)!  This showed that everyone was busting their butt on the first sprint.

Mosey back to the flag with 2 minutes to spare.  Plank and hold for 2 mins.

The Finish: Count off, Name o Rama.  Announcements – Go Ruck and Jazz Half coming up.  Impressive to see the Ruckers pull out the Rucks after the workout in prep for their 6 mile hike.  Nice work, guys.

Finish with prayer of thanks, and asking for the inspiration to use the gift of today wisely.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead you all.  I promise that next time, the Animal Parade in the Enchanted Forest will be better organized!

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