Philosofreedom – from Paradox
Philosofreedom – from Paradox

Philosofreedom – from Paradox

PAX:Superfund, Yankee Jeaux , Egon

Let me make a close association list for you and see if you can guess this beatodown theme :

Justin Beiber
Dean Summerwind
Lil Jon

Ringing any freedom bells??

If your thinking they all had fire flames freestyles (f3?) during their career you ARE right buttt YHCs focus on this July 4th/Retreat beatdown was great philosophical questions that led men to a search for freedom and the above men had some real beard scratchers to consider.

Let’s dive in

Duke! Stop chasing Schrodingers cat and Roll the beautiful bean footage!!


YHC moseyed to the lake dam of the Heart Ridge retreat center in Sunset SC in a gloom so thick and dark YHC had to scrap half the beatdown and reorganize it around a bic he bout at Bucees . No cones , no JBL , no headband, I didn’t even know what AB had for supper the night before!! …YHC felt naked and afraid. Just when the new place “scaries” had me ready to turn back I stumbled upon a wild chackbayan pax and an even wilder Rienzi scholar. As if that wasn’t enough dawg for the fight , we watched a sauntering silhouette of an FNG approach the dam and slide right into to see what the F3 fuss was about.
Disclaimer and a traditional Goosian warmup followed.

Thang 1

“ The measure of a man is what he does with power “ – Plato

Lake Indian run to the docks while we listened to some select patriotic hits and thought about great leaders who used their power for greater good.

At the dock YHC revealed the pax would be aiding in yet another F3 bucket list item .
Ever since the graceful tunes of Dean Summerwind flowed through YHCs ears I knew one day there would be a beatdown with a real lake …one we could park by. It just needed one more element to be special and the day before YHC had realized he was standing on a true Carolina Dry Dock…magic.

Plato can keep his cave, ole Dean has a lake for us.

Plank during song:
Dean Summerwind ‘s
“Parked Out By the Lake”

Lake -Carolina dry docks
Parked – shoulder tap
Santa Fe – plank Jack

All the pax struggled to remember which trigger was which and we mostly did all 3 while Dean did the philosophical heavy lifting.

Mosey to gym Lot for

Here we consider what we deep questions we would battle for in our own lives while listening to the 1812 overture.

The mini Dora was constructed with actions from the Israelite battle vs the Amaleks as our FNG had beautifully described to us the day prior. Originally, YhC planned to arm the pax with a scythe and have us mow a field by hand but was informed by retreat staff that would be “heavily frowned upon”. So just as Dr Evil had to settle for ill tempered sea bass instead of sharks with freaking lazers , YHC settled for a big hill mini Dora.

There was also a general consensus that Moses had jacked quads and delts we could acquire through repetition.

Dora 1-2-3
Transport Nur up hill (** this was a capital H hill boys)
50 no cheat merkins
100 jump Squats
150 air raises

During our mowing down of the Amaleks we considered what we would turn up for which led to the next logical question by the early 2000 AD philosopher Lil Jonicus :
“Turn Down for What”
IW on song and Burpees on TD4W.

On the way back we listened to an even more modern philosopher , Sir Justin Beibs , lead us in a meditative mosey asking “What do you mean? “
Yankee Jeaux was moved to lacrimation but blamed a heavy South Carolina pollen count.

At the Dam Finale we were directed toward ole Glory as our final philosopher Lee Greenwood tasks us to reflect upon Gods blessings to the US of A while we cycled through:

7 Bonnie Blair’s
4 burpees
17 bBSU
76 LBCs

Till time

The naming of Egon was a lengthy affair covering philosophy and seminary but we finally settled into an area that produces many F3 monikers: Early Adolescence. He shared that his worst nickname was as a nerdy looking bespectacled basketball player and his upperclassmen called him Egon. YHC considered that it lined up with our ghosts busting exorcism discussions this week and Egon it was.

COT and YJ prayed us out

Always a joy to lead fellas
