PAX in Toyland – from Kenna Brah
PAX in Toyland – from Kenna Brah

PAX in Toyland – from Kenna Brah

QIC:Kenna Brah
PAX:Charmin, PVC, Space Cowboy, War Eagle

Fresh from an Epic Grand Canyon beat down YHC thought it apt to apply some lessons in endurance.

Mosey to the JPAS for some mobility and warmup work
Worked on SQUAT form by standing face and bell to a wall and then slowly squatting, repeating till the lesson was learned

Formed up the PAX for proper hand/elbow position for some Merkins

Introduced the Toys and the BD
60# Sand Bag was the timer up the ramp and down the stairs
While the timer ticked off:
All stations worked the sets till the timer returned, then moved Clockwise to the next station
Station 1 – Take small steps up/down on a coupon – keeping knee engaged the whole time. Sort of like a single leg pulse squat
Station 2 – 40# SandBag Front Squat
Station 3 – 54 Lb KB swings
Station 4 – Barbell complex – Deadlift, Clean, Press, Tricep Ext, Return to beginning

Finished with 12 min of Pain
Mission Impossible Merkins
BB Situps/Flutter Kicks
A combo Of Fire Hydrant Leg Lifts/Scorpion Kick and Extended Side Leg Lift

Mosey to Flag and COT

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