With a mystery co-Q cancellation at 5am and having to defend the claim to the Q itself, the challenges to be bested were already well under way with the arrival of 6:30. But challenges to be bested and elevated heart rates were on the menu as things began…
IC x10 were exercises such as:
Good Mornings, Imperial walkers, T Stretches, Apple Pickers, and Fire Hydrants
With 4-6 fire hydrants along the lakefront between the flag and the yacht club, as Hammer said, I feel confident that no houses on Lakeshore Dr will burn to the ground. OYO, run from flag to playground doing 10 burpees at each fire hydrant and hold an isometric of your choice to wait for the 6.
Lining up along the splash pad, partner up with P1 starting cumulative 500 squats then 500 LBCs, while P2 ran around the perimeter of the park & switch.
After a few frenetic circuits of pushing each other, the Pax returned along the lakefront to Noah’s Ark, stopping at each fire hydrant for 5 8-Count Bodybuilders.
At Noah’s Ark, Bear Crawl north to Claiborne and then High Knee- Skip back to the lake, with the option to continue to the flag in similar fashion.
With 2 minutes to spare there were 2 exercises IC for a minute each: 100s & Putins.
After a few false starts, COUNTORAMA, NAMEORAMA, named FNGs Baby Shark, Pigpen and Broncho – Welcome! Broncho prayed us out.
Well done, gentlemen, for showing up and giving everything you have to push yourself, your F3 brothers, and increasingly, the next generation of men.