Nutcrackers and Arm Jackers  – from Russo
Nutcrackers and Arm Jackers – from Russo

Nutcrackers and Arm Jackers – from Russo

PAX:Crawfish, Russo

Right under 60 degrees to start. No one had a correct solution to the riddle, so it was a Pax of 1 for the Warmup and 1st round of the Thang until DR visitor from Charleston, Crawfish, made it a party of two. Interestingly enough, the potential DR visitor from Atlanta didn’t make it, so hopefully next time.

– SSHs
– Toe touches
– Grass grabbers
– High knees
– 3 calf raises at each step up the pilot house


Tabata: 1 minute each with bricks, 30 seconds rest, 3 rounds, each of which was followed by two trips of Slalom the Columns.

-Arm curls
-Cherry pickers
-Hallelujah squats
-Arm circles
-Triceps extensions
-Milk maids

Nut crackers down the columns, followed by 10 IC Crunchy Frogs with the bricks, and then 10 side to side Merkins with the bricks, rinse and repeat 10 more Crunchy Frogs and Merkins.

COT, Name-o-Rama, and prayer closed us out. Remember co-Q’s tomorrow at the Lakefront are Pickaxe and Chainsaw. Luigi’s and Boom shacka-lackas for everyone.

Until the next time, SYITG.