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PAX:Akbar, Bushwacker, Hammer, Waterpik

With intentions of some strength training, followed by some Restorative Chewy actions. YHC had to call an audible like Mahommes and the Chiefs did in the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl.. Thankfully the Wacker was there with the Dice of Doom!!


All IC 10. Good mornings, Windmills, Arm circles, Cherry pickers, Arm Circles, Air presses, Arm Circles, SSH and Butt kicks.


Play ground for 5 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 Merkins and 20 Little Manny crunches.. Walked around behind the commodes to realize we had been trumped by the city of Mandeville cleaning up our cylinder blocks.. Audible called at this point for the Dice of Doom. Took turns rolling around the PAX with YHC starting us with 20 SSHx4 count, followed by Akbar with a double down roll repeat, Hammer putting the 🔨 down with a 50 count on Jump squats, Waterpik with 25 Putin’s x2 and closed with Wackers wacky 50 x4 SSH. Forgot to mention Bear crawls between each sideline to sideline. Circled back at center court for plank holds while each PAX alternated completing 10 Merkins round 1 and closed with 5 Merkins round 2..

Q needing some attention to stretches finished the PAX with 10 mins of Chewy’s favorite Restorative 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️..

Count, announce and Akbar closed the COT!!

Thanks for posting men and till the next Gloom 👍🏻👊🏻✌🏻!!