No Time to Waste
NNoo TTiimmee ttoo WWaassttee

No Time to Waste

PAX:Cowbell, Donovan (FNG), Jose 10k, Moby Dick, Sparky, TankedUp!, TurboTax and Zoolander

Seven veterans and an FNG rolled into The Gipper AO for an abbreviated beatdown ahead of Thursday evening’s F2 get together at The Tap Room. With no time to waste, the PAX warmed up with 10 reps each IC of SSHs, Merkins, Toe Touches, Mountain Climbers, Seal Jacks, Plank Jacks, Windmills and Peter Parkers.

The PAX then retrieved cinderblocks from the undisclosed top secret location and got busy with a set of 7s…6 manmakers with a cinderblock followed by 1 set of lateral jumps over the cinderblock with 25 yards of suitcase carries in between, 5 and 2, etc, etc.

Then it was time for one off cinderblock exercises: 10 reps each of Merkins, Swings, Around the Worlds, Figure 8s, Woodchoppers, Goblet Squats and RDLs with a 25 yard OH cinderblock walk inserted between each exercise.

A final 25 yard out and back sprint and just when things seemed to be getting started they were over. Countorama, nameorama with our new FNG (TankedUp!’s fully grown 2.0) scoring his nickname Donovan, and a prayer courtesy of Moby Dick to end the festivities on a positive note.

Thanks for letting me lead, guys, and thanks for the post-beatdown fellowship. It was a fun night.