Kuch and I bumped into each other at lunch at The Grand Hotel in Fairhope, AL, during a little family R&R during the 4th of July weekend. Naturally, we decided to post. And Kuch even EH’ed an attorney colleague also at The Grand for the weekend. We were hoping for a guest appearance by Da Parrish, but his locale was too far away to join us. So the 3 of us met in the morning glory (not gloomy at all) for a holiday heat beat down. The usual disclaimer and off we go.
A short mosey to the warm-up COP at a gazebo over-looking Mobile Bay. SSH x 20 IC, IW x 15 IC, Arm Circles IC 10 forward and 10 backwards, Grass grabbers x 10 IC, Mountain Climbers x 10 IC.
We started with a Route 66 along the Mobile Bay boardwalk, with Merkins at each light post, starting with 5 Merkins and ending with 13. We continued the Route 66 on the boardwalk along the bay, marveling at the huge beautiful lake homes. We did WWII sit-ups at each dock, starting at 5 and ending at 15, then continued with 10 squats at each dock for another 10 docks.
We turned around and moseyed back to the green lawn at The Grand. Then Kuch delivered the real beat down: 11’s with burpees and jump lunges. After the 3rd pass, YHC was out of breath and made the executive decision to switch out jump lunges for LBC’s. It was still brutal enough, and after 55 burpees we were all gassed.
We moseyed back to our starting point for count-off, name-o-rama, announcements, and a prayer. We named our FNG @Hobbs, so welcome him when he shows up back in NOLA. I forgot to take a pic at the beatdown, but we got one at the pool after. I highly recommend this new AO. Very scenic. Just plan a trip to The Grand.
