Never Forget the Disclaimer – from Architect
Never Forget the Disclaimer – from Architect

Never Forget the Disclaimer – from Architect

PAX:Bogey, Hand Grenada, Kilo, Mayhem, Vagabond

48 degrees and misty….gross.

6 PAX gathered amid the gloomy conditions. Q was intentional about delivering the disclaimer, gotta CYA these days, ya never know who’s out to get ya.

Warm-a-rama ensued – moseyed to gym, Abes, Love, Fighters, grabbers…then to playground.

5 Pull-ups, 5 Merkins, 10 squats – repeat for about 6 minutes.

Rocks selected (cuz it is Rock City, wouldn’t want anyone thinking they came out for anything else) and headed to pavilion.
Round 1
12 OHP
12 Rows, 10 OHP
12 Curls, 10 Rows, 8 OHP
12 TriCep, 10 Bicep, 8 Rows, 6 OHP
12 Chest Press, 10 Tri, 8 Bi, 6 Row, 4 OHP
12 Kettlebell Swing, 10 CP, 8 Tri, 6 Bi, 4Row, 2 OHP
Round 2
12 Rock Burpees
12 BBSU, 10 RBs
12 Chest Press, 10 BB, 8 RB
12 Leg Lifts, 10 CP, 8 BB, 6 RBs
12 Goblet Squats, 10 LL, 8 CP, 6 BB, 4 RBs
12 Thrusters, 10 GS, 8 LL, 6 CP, 4 BB, 2 RB (good things i gave disclaimer)

Return Rock…COT. Cheers