PAX:Darkwing Duck, Booboo, Chips, Frito Lays, Voyeur, Hawg, Mahatma, Pai Gow, Jingle Vader

YHC has been on the sidelines with a shoulder injury for the last couple of months, so he had plenty of time to plan for this particular workout at his beloved Popeyes. So as 10 men arrived in the sweaty, gloom it was time to roll at 5:30am. sharp. Wait….an FNG arrived at 5:31, so the Pax took off at 5:32.

The Warm-Up

YHC led the Pax on a short mosey to do a standard warm-up

SSH -25

Imperial Walkers – 20

Shoulder Taps – 15 (should have been prepared for shoulder taps to aggravate my shoulder injury, but alas)

Side lunges – 15 (someone needs to come up with a good F3 name for this exercise)

Hillbillies – 20

The Thang

YHC saw another F3 Pax on Twitter spell their F3 names using an exercise to represent each letter. Since he had plenty of time between Qs, YHC made up his own version of the NAME-O-RAMA . Each Pax would do the exercises corresponding to the letters of his name. Once finished, the Pax with shorter names would find members with longer names and help them finish. All of the vowels were running exercises (in hindsight I should have come up with a better system to cut down on the amount of long runs. I hit 3.2 miles and I think other members ran longer than I did). It would have been nice to see the Reluctant Yankee here this morning.

Check out the featured image of this post to see the whole alphabet and bring this to the other AOs in NOLA.

YHC’s morning workout as an example:

R- 20 Pull-ups E- Run to the F3 Flag and back V- 50 Big Boy Sit-ups S- 20 Burpees O – Run to the top of the bleachers X – 30 Box Jumps YHC then did another E – Run to the F3 Flag and back to hit Hokie Pokey’s last E.

The runs were too long, so not every Pax finished and YHC committed one of the seven deadly sins of F3 by running the Pax back to the flag at 6:18am.

The Close

COUNTERAMA, NAME-O-RAMA, and the Pax named two FNGS. Chips’ 2.0 was named Frito Lays, and we also welcomed Voyeur into our ranks. Sweaty-Ball-O-Man lifted our prayers and thanksgiving to the King calling for mercy to our family and F3NOLA members in need and asking God to empower us to be the men He desires us to be.