My Everything hurts! – from Wet Tap
My Everything hurts! – from Wet Tap

My Everything hurts! – from Wet Tap

QIC:Wet Tap
PAX:Goose Pope Popeye WetTap


My everything hurts

Early Monday morning YHC woke to the eerie feeling of my legs not being sore. This couldn’t be right. It was as if I’ve neglected this area for far too long. Almost as if a hybrid vehicle showed up at my door blasting showtunes and carrying Yankee, Montana, Goats, & Gordon. Things were just out of sorts.

This began the mind wander to build a beatdown that would fix this atrociousness.

Warmarama was quick and to the point
SSH WMH High knees/butt kicks (suckle-style).

Partner up and complete a Cindy mile. When partner one had enough, he’d hand off and perform 10 burpees, partner 2 graciously accepts and completes 10 thrusters before moving on. Goose and Pope proved yet again to be from the same loins. The ferocity of these 2 are unmatched. Popeye and YHC weren’t far behind but consciously paced ourselves for what lies ahead.

With music in the agenda and a box that’s on the IR, YHC went high school and just started the truck and opened the doors. Classy and Cool. It fit the age as we belted out Pray by McHammer. We circled up and did genufections on “ pray” all while schooling Pope on the litany of classics by McHammer and the absence of parachute pants in todays society.

Thang 3.
Best crawl a lap around the stage.
Lunge walk a lap around the stage.

Simple and dreadful.

Ring of fire.
100 Merkins
100 coupon swings

On your 6.
Toe taps over coupon ( left-top-right) 25

Wife pleasers. European and American versions
Crunchy frog

prayers for Goose’s new Gosling. And the health of both the M and he.
The M’s attending ACTS.
And the health of family and friends.

Yet again, Thanks to those who come out and suffer willingly.