Mosey to ONE HUNDRED – from Mayhem
Mosey to ONE HUNDRED – from Mayhem

Mosey to ONE HUNDRED – from Mayhem

PAX:Bogey, Cheese Steak, Fracsac, Kenna Brah, Mayhem, Pinewood, Pool Boy, Triple Shift

Conditions: 63 F, felt like 66 F, 0 mph wind

YHC arrived by foot at 5:28… because it is February and Every Mile Counts.

Mumblechatter began before 5:30
At the bell, disclaimer given and we commenced to carioca down the jogging path changing direction halfway
Near the main gate, the start of the warmarama: A-slow-V, GG, low slow squats

Then we “snaked the railings”. When you weren’t snaking, PAX held an Al Gore.
It was awkward. It was different. Different can be good.

Mosey down the path to the parking lot near the track entrance.
Finish the warmarama with PPP, MC and MAYHEM MERKINS (hip slap, shoulder tap, merkin in a 10-count cadence… Exicon worthy)

Into the track bleacher gate we went.
The Main Thang: do 10 of something, then a form of transportation, then 20 of something, and so on to 100.

10 left leg lunge, right leg lunge, burpee, two squats OYO – snake the bleachers
20 burpees OYO – run back in front of the bleachers
30 merkins OYO – run to the press box, up the stairs and back
40 overhead claps OYO – run to the goal post and back
50 monkey humpers OYO – run in the parking lot to the opposite track entrance
60 lunges 1-is-1 OYO – run to the gym, bear crawl up the ramp, run back
70 squats OYO – run up the gym stairs and head to the north side of the gym
80 LBCs IC – run to the gym entrance and wall sit for 2 mins
90 flutter kicks IC – run through the parking lot near the track
100 air presses holding an Al Gore IC (taking turns counting to every 10) – indian run back to the flag

2 minutes of stretching before COT

-Kenna Brah learned something from a random French woman that means nothing
-IOAM tomorrow in Thibodaux
-City Pork and Old Metry Mosey around the corner

-Kenna Brah’s friend’s granddaughter
-Cheesesteak’s friend
-Bogey to be understood

Great group of men. We worked hard. Lots of mumblechatter. Great way to start a Friday.