Morning Constitutional – from Popeye
Morning Constitutional – from Popeye

Morning Constitutional – from Popeye

PAX:Popeye, Goose, Pope, White Meat, Paradox, Honeysuckle, Enron, Safety Valve

Constitution Day 2024: A little known day of recognition for the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.

YHC felt it was only appropriate to take the PAX back to school for a little quiz on this heralded document in order to verify the citizenship of the group and find out if the trivia nerd thing is doing any good.

Slow Hi-Knee
Side bends
Arm Circles

All above with tickets

A trip back in time to the schoolhouse that rocks. Schoolhouse Rocks was (is?) the leader in public school indoctrination of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution back in YHC’s day. This catchy jingle is buried deep in my mind but at the strum of the banjo it instantly is unearthed from 40+ years of other learnings and it’s right there at the tip of my tongue. I know every word. Goose knew every word. Uncanny.
10 step ups per leg and 10 crunchy frogs for the duration of the Preamble song.

#1: How many amendments to the Constitution have been proposed?
Correct: 10 merks and 1 lap.
Incorrect: 33 ticket overhead arm claps and 1 lap.
Score: 0. PAX paid their dues and took the lap.

#2: How many amendments to the Constitution have been ratified? (Homerians: this means voted on and approved)
Correct: 5 burpees and 1 lap.
Incorrect: 27 ticket seal/overhead claps and 1 lap.
Score: 0. While the close guess of 28 was borderline impressive, it did not meet the standard and there’s no partial credit here.

#3: Softball starter – Amendments 1-10 are known as what? PAX easily got this correct (thank God, they’re not Taliban).
Actual question – The 1st Amendment grants what freedoms? The PAX quickly got speech, religion, press, and assembly… but the lesser known freedom is the right to petition the government. I’m here, petition me all you want – the answer was still technically not correct.
The PAX celebrated their freedom from correct answers by executing mountain climbers with a merk on “free” to the dreadful sounds of “I’m Free” by the Soup Dragons. Worst band name ever? Maybe. Such a bad song that I didn’t even realize that it’s a cover of a Rolling Stones song. Moving on.

#4: The 26th Amendment was ratified in 1971, what was it? Nobody knew. YHC informed them that it changed the voting age to 18. From what? PAX got this one correct with 21.
Penalty: 18 ticket curls, 21 ticket overhead press and 1 lap.

#5: Softball starter – How many Amendments have been repealed? CORRECT – 1.
Actual question – What Amendment did the 21st Amendment repeal? Surprisingly, the PAX did not correctly answer that the 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment, which was the prohibition of alcohol.
The PAX enjoyed a BNL tune titled “Alcohol” while performing nonstop Imperial Walkers and knocking out a merkin on each mention of “alcohol.” I wonder if the Canadians who sang this song would have known the answer. Tolerate the song, take a lap.

#6: What does the 8th Amendment prohibit?
The PAX was incorrect in their guesses of slavery, Goose was close with some mumble that sounded kinda like due process, but sadly again we were without basic knowledge of the Bill of Rights. The correct answer was that the 8th Amendment prohibits “excessive fines and bail, and cruel and unusual punishment.”
In honor of this, we took part in some cruel and unusual punishment with 2 rounds of Monkey Humper ring of fire. (note to self, next time start the ring with me, not the guy next to me).

We were nearing time, but as the PAX knows I enjoy closing out with some planks. I selected 2 songs both titled “Freedom” to which we would hold plank, but due to the lack of Constitutional knowledge, we were forced to listen to the George Michael “Freedom” as opposed to the Rage Against the Machine “Freedom”. 60 second low plank, followed by 30 seconds on each side. Catchy jingle though, probably YJ’s ringtone.

Time was called and the PAX circled up. Despite YHC’s desire to rid the PAX of the Blue Tube and blame it on FRANCINE, it survived the storm and this unique form of cruel and unusual punishment was awarded to Paradox.
Intentions: Sign up for the dang BK5000 already. I know we’re last-minute but let’s be a bit less last-minute.
COT – Prayers for storm recovery and the return of lost sheep to the flock. YHC’s little brother has been a lost soul for 20+ years and is finding a renewed faith – it’s never too late.
Goose prayed us out.

Honored to be a part of this crew and further your knowledge as ‘mericans. Hit the books.

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