More Kettlebells Baby! – from Boo-Boo
More Kettlebells Baby! – from Boo-Boo

More Kettlebells Baby! – from Boo-Boo

PAX:Boo-Boo, Fracsac, Space Cowboy

Three men assembled in the gloom for a kettlebell-themed beatdown.

Warmup consisted of Abe Vigodas x10, Thai fighters x15, Parker Peter/Peter Parker x15, Grass Grabbers, Mountain Man Poopers x15

Scantroned (Scantronned- awaiting adjudication by Hawg) to JPAS where kettlebells awaited for a 30-second AMRAP and rest for 30 seconds. Three round per sequence.

Sequence 1 x3:
25 lb KB swings
35 lb Gobblet Squats
45 lb over shoulder throws

Sequence 2 x3:
Deficit merkins using 25 lb KBs
35 lb Triceps extensions
45 lb Sandies (Blockees using a sandbag)

Sequence 3 x3:
25 lb Gorilla rows
Burpee crossovers (American Hammers using the 35 lb KB)
45 lb curls

Sequence 4 x4:
25 lb Racked Overhead presses
35 lb KB swings
Big Bois hold the 45 lb bag

Carried heavy things back and dropped off at YHC’s vehicle on the way to the flag.

COT: Prayers for Frac and his family, Space Cowboy’s friend, and Boo-Boo’s SIL.

Leading such a fine group of men is always an honor and an opportunity to grow. Boo-Boo out!