An odd assortment of PAX showed up in numbers to imbibe of what YHC had for them.
Certain that the buffooneries of the previous week could not be repeated, I am sure.
So we mosey’d to the rock pile for a warm up set:
Doing anything BUT SSH.
Upper Body twisters
Imperial Squat Walker Squat
Self Love
Mountain Man Pooper + Good Morning
The stated goal was to not let go of the rock all through this session:
Starting at Rear of Football End Zone field , walk 10 yards, stop then do the following with the rock:
5 Man makers
10 Curls
15 OHP
20 Rows
25 Chest Press
Reach the 50 yd line, return to the start and repeat.
The whole PAX got at least 2 rounds in, then we joined together for some coordinated sumo squats, then back to the pile for some Mary, then back to flag for COT.