Moby at the Trailhead
MMoobbyy aatt tthhee TTrraaiillhheeaadd

Moby at the Trailhead

PAX:Turbo, Einstein, Steve, Moby Dick, TankedUp

A beautiful morning provided our men a great way to bond and work out like a well oiled machine. A FNG joined the ranks and he pressed hard to stay with the pack. At the end of the session we named our friend which will be provided at the end of the post.

Warmup–15 reps in cadence-side straddle hops, windmills, imperial walkers, mummy kicks, split jacks, squats

The Thang- the team spent 7 performing a jog/exercise routine performing various exercises such as leaps, butt kicks, lunges–thanks Steve giving me hints during the jog portion. You my buddy!

From there we crafted a 10-1 routine with cinder blocks, merkins, and squats. A routine I plagiarized from our fearless member-Turbo.

After that fun we did a short mosey to the trailhead where the team went 5 rounds of Butkus excercises. In essence,1 minute rounds of Rocky Balboa hops. Einstein and TankedUp were in such perfect unison their steps sounded like a bad ass  military unit.  I sort of felt like Ali dancing in the ring.

The team closed out the thang with a merkin, bear crawl, and run routine for a solid 7 minutes.

Warm Down–a short warm down routine featuring Jane Fonda’s

In closing we had fun with our FNG… Through our short talk it became obvious our friend must be named Moby Dick!! If you want to know the rest of the story we hope you join us next week for the “non written” explanation!

In closing, Einstein led the PAX in prayer and off we went!



