Miracle Monday – from Kilo
Miracle Monday – from Kilo

Miracle Monday – from Kilo

PAX:Hand Grenada, Hawgcycle, Kilo, Mahatma, Mr Rodgers, Rudy, Scantron, Triple Shift

With the current scuttlebutt that New Orleans is potentially maybe who really knows thinking about adding an NHL expansion team, YHC thought it would be good to toast one of hockey’s great coaches, Mark Johnson who also happened to play on the 1980 USA Miracle Team.

Rudy was the first to show on this 65 degree morning in the gloom and we gave it one minute to see if any other PAX would show up… pretty soon we heard the familiar flip flop flip flop of Hawg trotting down the road. A quick disclaimer was made and we were off to the pile.

Two PAX (Scantron and Handgrenada) showed up out of the gloom but only one joined for the Warm-o-Rama, a quick one to get the blood pumping because it’s Monday morning and we got rocks to lift. Mr. Rogers showed up while we were rock picking shocked that he missed the warm up… Rocks were selected and mosey commenced to the parking lot.


5 rounds because we have 5 days to conquer this week for Sky Q and our Families.

1. 10 x chest press, run to the yellow poles with lights and 10 merkins
2 chest press + 10 x shoulder press, run, 10 merks + 10 burpees
3. CP + SP + 10 x squat, run 10 merks, 10 burps, 10 lunges (2 is 1)
4. CP + SP + SQ + 10 x KB Swings, run, merks, burps, lunges, 10 decline merks
5. CP + SP + SQ + KB + 10 Dips, run with rocks

Then we did a remake of the wall sit in Miracle (go watch it if you haven’t, go watch it if you love an underdog, go watch it if you have or don’t have any patriotism… just go watch it). We passed the rock a few times during the wall sit made the KnOT’s guys jealous of our sweat, TripleShift didn’t know we were even there he was in such a meditative stretch.

Slow Indian mosey back to the rock pile to finish with bicep curls then to the field for a round of Mary which was just variations of wife pleasers and superman to boat, stretched for about 30 seconds and that was the day. #SYITG

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