Midsummer Beatdown
Midsummer Beatdown

Midsummer Beatdown


The idea of striving to become the best version of one’s self daily is not a new concept. Embarking on that goal through F3 Beatdowns takes that idea to another level. Every breath I take in a Beatdown is partnered with a sense of humility and camaraderie that I have not experienced elsewhere. The opportunity to Q this Beatdown at the Birdcage was something I embraced, and I hope the 24 PAX enjoyed it.

Quick welcome, disclaimer, and we were off…

After a brief mosey, the warm-up:
SSH X 20
Windmill X 20
Grassgrabbers X 20
Hillbilly X 20
Merkin Ring of Fire (hold in plank while PAX to right does 10 merks, next PAX starts on 5 count…repeat until back to start)

We then moseyed to a nice paved area for some pre-thang plyos:
Shuffle Right/Shuffle Left X 30 yards, jog back to start
Karaoke Right/Karaoke Left X 30 yards, jog back to start
Backwards X 15 yards/Turn and Sprint X 15 jog back to start
Sprint X 30, mosey to James J Audubon Statue

The Thang:
Partner up for some BLIMPS (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) with a “Catch me if you Can” Twist
Partner 1 completes the first exercise (5 Burpees) while Partner 2 jogs away down the driveway. When Partner 1 completes the reps he sprints to catch up with Partner 2. Partner 2 then knocks out 5 burpees while Partner 1 keeps moving down the driveway. Essentially we are adding some sprints and jogs to the whole BLIMPS routine.
Lunges X 10 (2 is 1), Imperial Walkers X 15 (2 is 1), Merkins X 20, Plankjacks X 25, and Squats X 30

Awesome job by everyone!

We then followed that up with some step work on the ledge:
Right Leg Step up IC X 10
Right Leg Power Up X 10 IC
Left Leg Power Up X 10 IC
Left Left Step Up IC X 10

Legs burning, we knocked out some more sprints:
In groups of 5 across the driveway…
5 merkins followed by a sprint. 4 reps of that and we were on the move again…

A little mary (LBCs, Penguins, Real Freddie Mercs) then back to the hammer…

We were a minute early so we planked until 6:15.

Count off, name-o-rama, sweaty ball o man, and my 2nd q was in the books. What an honor to sweat and work alongside these men. My fitness tracker said 2.89 miles done…not bad with two weeks left until the Gnarly Nutria.