Revsox was on deck for the Q, but had a conflict and requested a sub two days out. YHC and Mahatma volunteered to cover, but YHC got the nod with a courtesy deferral by Mahatma. Walleye crossed the border and made the trek to unfamiliar territory. He got a starlight tour of the AO after getting turned around within the park, but he made it to the flag on time.
The PAX moseyed over a small hill to the nearby field for the following warm-up, IC: SSH x 25; Hillbillies x 25; Arm Circles x 10 (each way); Grass Grabbers x 25 (double time); Mountain Climbers x 25; Abe Vigodas x 15
Mahatma expressed an interest in some hill work. YHC was on the same page to help the Metry PAX prepare for H8. After a short mosey across the field, the PAX stood at the base of the tallest hill on the AO for a little Dora 1-2-3. The PAX was separated into a two and three-man group. The PAX groups took turns sprinting up the hill, completing three burpees, and jogging down the hill to the second group, while they collectively completed 100 Catalina wine mixers, 200 American hammers, and 300 LSS. There was a bit of pause at the beginning over the number of Catalina Wine Mixers, but T-claps to the PAX for pushing through and not accepting the offer to modify to less mixers.
After completing the Dora workout, the PAX sprinted up the hill as a group, bear crawled to the other side, and jogged down the other side. Plank and wait for the six. The PAX moseyed to the outdoor gym for some circuit training as follows: 10 knee-ups (timer), dips, rows, WWII sit ups, and merkins. With time running out, the PAX did the following Mary, IC x 25 each: flutter kicks, LBC, and penguins.
A quick mosey back to the big hill for a sprint up, bear crawl across, and jog down. Plank and wait for the six. Mosey across the field, over a small hill, and back to the flag. For the last six minutes, Walleye and Triple Shift lead the PAX in several Yoga-based stretches.
Namerama, announcements, intentions, and closing prayer.
Life doesn’t always give us advanced notice. As effective leaders we need to be prepared to step up and lead under any circumstances. This was my third Q and I agreed to sub Q to challenge myself with piecing together a beat down on shorter notice than a scheduled Q. I’m still learning to manage time within a beat down, but practice makes perfect! Thanks for another opportunity to lead and for being good followers. It’s truly an honor.