Backblast. Jan. 20, 2018
Megadad the Q today gave us a run for our lives, or maybe a destiny of a really good nap that afternoon. This was a running day and filled with a variety of new exercises blended with a couple of familiar ones.
At sundial we did
Side straddle hop
Incline Mercins
Side straddle hop
Wall dips
Side straddle hop
Side straddle hop
High knee jumps
Then we repeated
Then we did long mosie to chin up bars.
We did rotations of the following stations with burpie as the cadence.
Pistol squats (one leg)
Incline Merican
Pull up / let down (for those that can’t pull up)
Step ups
Everyone did once then we repeat so everyone did each station twice.
Using lowest bench on the west set of bleachers.
High knee step left
high knee step right
Using lowest bench on the east set of bleachers.
High knee step left
high knee step right
overhang leg lift using bleachers (could use a table or a bench)
mosey to next set of bleachers and repeat
Mozy from the football field toward the creek but travelled in a new way.
jog x right side
jog x left side
jog x karaoke right
jog x karaoke left
jog x high knees
jog butkickers
jog and back side 2 side
jog x backward and stride