May the 4th be with You – from Boo-Boo
May the 4th be with You – from Boo-Boo

May the 4th be with You – from Boo-Boo

PAX:Bogey, Boo-Boo, Charmin, Fracsac, Hand Grenada, Hawgcycle, Hokie, MacGyver, Pillsbury, PVC, Rudy, Triple Shift, Vagabond

YHC was finally able to get a Q spot for El Diablo around Rudy, Hokie, and Fast Tax who are locked in a race to be the first to add their name to the miniature bat Hawg received 10 years ago for being one of three attendees at a Zephyrs game.

YHC lead the PAX on a short mosey to the field for a warmup consisting of ordinary warmup exercises. I added in MNCs since Frac was in attendance. Since there wasn’t 100% dance compliance, a 10 burpee penalty was imposed.

As YHC was ready to move into the meat of the beatdown, he was met with significant resistance for not including Imperial Walkers in the warmup since it was May the 4th. Being a man of the people, YHC obliged to stop the bellyaching of the sci-fi sect of the group.

With smiles on their merry faces, YHC led the group to the track for BLIMPS as a mode of transportation to the rock pile bc a mosey just wouldn’t be sufficient. The typically quiet and non-judgmental Rudy pointed out that YHC substituted plank jacks with another exercise. The poor guy forgot that modification is acceptable in the F3 world, and we were still able to spell BLIMPS correctly.

Upon arrival at the rock pile there was the typical banter regarding rock size. PAX were instructed to figure it out as it is not YHC’s place to judge another man’s rock!

Off to the 50 yard line for 10 Rounds of Tyson, which consisted of all exercises in cadence. At some point Macgyver showed up late and rockless. Initially he was instructed to rifle carry the “bat” until instructed otherwise, but Triple Shift quickly seized the opportunity to shed his oversized rock by switching with Macgyver. Other PAX, namely Rudy, also took advantage of the opportunity to share/shed his rock with the lad.

While that was fun, all good things must come to an end. PAX returned their rocks to the rock pile and gather for some Mary in the vicinity of the rock depot.

Mosey to the flag exactly on time! COT, prayer, OUT!

It’s always an honor to lead HIM! Thank you for the opportunity.