Mardi Gras Mambo – from Hokie
Mardi Gras Mambo – from Hokie

Mardi Gras Mambo – from Hokie

On Monday I posted in slack stating no one had signed up to Q and I was willing to do so if no one else wanted it.

As I awakened this AM and saw 41° on my weather app, I regretted my Monday Slack post but knew I had to get up and attend the Best Bank.

Upon my arrival I saw the Mardi Gras lights, checked F3 NOLA to see no one volunteered to Q and therefore posted a pic at 0445 inviting folks to come join me for a little Mardi Gras Mambo

Warm ups

SSH x 20
Slooow Abe Vigoda x 5
Grass Grabbers x 10
Imperial Walkers x 15

The Thang – Mardi Gras Mambo

We started on the River Shack corner

Each round would start with a 10 burpee buy in and then we would do an exercise in a prescribed number of reps starting at the River Shack Corner and continuing Counter Clockwise to the four Corners of The OG Race Track

Round 1 was 5 burpees at each of the 4 corners then run to the River Shack and then circle the six

10 burpee buy in before starting each of the remaining rounds and always circle the six so we would start each round together.

2. 10 HR Merkins
3. 15 Star Toe Taps
4. 20 SSH
5. 25 low slow squats
6. 30 shoulder Taps
7. 35 LBC’s

We closed with 10 burpee cash out or 100 burpees MABA

THANK YOU for allowing me to lead!