Man,  the weather was great this morning!
Man, the weather was great this morning!

Man, the weather was great this morning!

PAX:Jingle Vader, Bogey, FNG Boo-Ya!, Reluctant Yankee, Two Yutes, Tingles, Wipeout, Thumper, Triple Shift, 86, El Guapo, Frac Sac, Abacus, Tool, Spartacus, Out for Justice, Bongo (Q) + 4 more?

This weekend was hopefully a start to why many of live here in the south,  the heat has not arrived and the cold is on the way out.  And In New Orleans,  spring time means the start of festival season and all things outdoors including Saturday  F3 workouts where the “Gloom” term may very well be omitted.  “Roll down the windows, pull down the top,  crank up the Beach Boys and don’t let the musics stop,  we were born to rock…..”  well not quite southern California but enough to pull in a good crowd Saturday morning for F3 New Orleans.

Here is how it actually went:

Quick disclaimer and off to mosey to museum area.  I had my doubts last night the way my lower back felt from Hawg’s Friday morning Rock City with squat jumps and rocks and the ISI challenge of the day.  However we all persevere.

Warm ups

(25) IW

(20) Windmills

(30) Arm circles

(26) peter parkers

(31) SSH I think…

First activity

Over to the field to measure against the trees:

Bear crawl to first,  (10) squat jumps (w.o a rock today)

Lump walk to 2nd tree, (15) monkey Humpers

Repeat (3) more times for a total (8) trees

That was a leg focus,  with a bit of mumble chatter…

Second Activity

Over to Fountain:

(8) Decline mercan

(8) dips

(8) Incline mercan

Repeat another time

That was a upper body focus

Mosey over to Foundry for timer base work outs

Break into (2) groups:

1 runs an Indian run as primary timer

Other works (6) stations —  (10) burps (secondary timer), pull ups, dips, step ups, leg pulls while hanging

Repeated Twice till 7:15

Back to Peristyle for Mary

(25) IBCs

2:00 of plank hold

(20) flutter kicks

(25) J LOs

1:30 of Shoulder taps

(20) Hello Dollys


Back to COT for names, FNG naming, Announcements, Prayer requests and Prayer of thanks.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

PS.  — My apologies for those I missed in PAX below,  let me know my misses and I will update.