Mach 3+
Mach 3+

Mach 3+

PAX:EIEI (YHC), TurboTax, Blackbird (FNG)

Alright, so what’s worse (or better???) than one guy way older than you who can easily smoke you in a workout??  Yes, two!

YHC rolled up to the AO, under the watchful eye of Ronaldus Magnus and observed a man, the appearance of whom was eerily reminiscent to that of Turbo Tax.  Sure enough, this was our FNG for today; the first FNG to post at the Covington Trailhead I might add.  He and Turbo have been buddies for years, and they are either identical twins or they just look like identical twins.  Either way.


Warmup, proximal to Gipper

  1. SSH x 20 IC
  2. Hillbillies x 20 IC
  3. Merks x 10 IC
  4. Seal Jacks x 20 IC

Mosey to Justice Center – distal to Gipper

  1. Jog down steps
  2. Sprint to end of quad (50 yards). Lunge walk to Station 1 for
  3. Right Leg Stepups x 10. Lunge walk to Station 2 for
  4. Left Leg Stepups x 10. Lunge walk to Station 3 for
  5. Box Jumps x 10
  6. Run back up steps
  7. Jog down steps
  8. Sprint to end of quad (50 yards). Lunge walk to Station 1 for
  9. Freak Nastos x 10.  Lunge walk to Station 2 for
  10. Derkins x 10. Lunge walk to Station 3 for
  11. ? x 10
  12. Run back up steps
  13. Jog down steps
  14. Sprint to end of quad (50 yards). Lunge walk to Station 1 for
  15. Squats x 10. Lunge walk to Station 2 for
  16. Split lunge jumps x 10. Lunge walk to Station 3 for
  17. Freak NasTAAAAAYs x 10
  18. Run back up steps


  1. Plank and hold
  2. Man maker left hand high
  3. Man maker right hand high
  4. Plank shoulder taps x 20 IC
  5. Right leg high
  6. Left leg high
  7. 2 Merkins
  8. Man maker left hand high
  9. 2 Merkins
  10. Man maker right hand high

Mosey to other side of Justice Center

YHC requests a 10 count to avoid Splashing Merlot

YHC then announces Jack Webbs will be next, and also that Turbo explain to FNG so that YHC may continue Merlot Spashing Avoidance (MSA).

Jack Webbs. 1:2 Merk to shoulder press ratio.  Reps from 1 up to 10.

Typical mumble chatter about how that’s harder than it sounds.

Mosey to Armed Services Memorial; YHC requests another count for MSA purposes (is there really any other purpose for a count?)

Irkins x 10

Squat Jumps x 10

Irkins x 9

Squat Jumps x 9

etc, descending reps to 1.

Mosey to Ronaldus (shovel flag dutifully left in truck) for Mary:

  1. LBC x 30 IC
  2. Freddy Merc’s x 20 IC
  3. Vladimir-The-Tiger-Whisperer-Putin’s x 15 IC


Welcome, Blackbird.  Way to be in better shape than I am at 20 years my senior.  Respect.

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