Long Way Home
Long Way Home

Long Way Home

PAX:capt morgan, nip tuck, revit, mulligan, ry, cavalier, douille

Seven men set to tackle the park on a chilly Monday morning. Might be the last time we see sub 50 degree weather for awhile…after a quick disclaimer, we’re off.

Bandstand: SSHx20, IW x20, LBC x20 & Mountain Climbers x20

To Light Poles (pole to pole): Merkin Walk going left , Lunge broad jumps right leg, Merkin Walk going right, Lunge Broad jump left leg

Indian Run to pull up bars – 4 groups rotating – timed by the burpees

  1. Seven Double Squat Burpees
  2. IW sqauts
  3. Dips
  4. Pull Ups

Indian run to the water fountain by the green wall (YHC was thirsty)

Hallelujah (hands up) run to the benches by the water fountain

  1. RLSU x20
  2. Incline Merkins x20
  3. LLSU x20
  4. Dips x20
  5. R Knee Up x20
  6. Incline Wife Pleasers x20
  7. L Knee Up x20

After blowing out our legs and time running out, hustle back with another long Indian Run.

With minutes to spare, the last COP between the light poles:

  1. Dying Coach roach x15
  2. Flutter Kicks x15
  3. Alt side up (Coach roach with legs together) x15
  4. Three pulse w/ leg ups  x15

Count Out, Name-O-Rama, Monday Q Assignments & Prayer

Always a great way to start the week…