Living Hero WOD – from Mahatma
Living Hero WOD – from Mahatma

Living Hero WOD – from Mahatma

PAX:Architect, Bogey, Crack Spread, Hand Grenada, Hokie, Mahatma, Mayhem, Mr Rodgers, Wedding Planner, DR “cray-fish” and FNG now Roy Rogers

I knew the challenge when I hit send….Mr. Rogers has set the expectation for a “Hero” beatdown so I decided to go with one living. Sgt Dakota Meyer – Medal of Honor Recipient Afghanistan. His story on YouTube is worth the 10 minutes. While I tried to give some motivating tidbits the key is simply enter and endure the storm (especially with prayer) as often you’ll look back and it was really the fear not the storm because it was actually only a shower!

We had another Hokie FNG along with “Cray-fish” from down range join is the slightly warm Aug morning. After disclaimer and speaker in hand we head to the field for a warm up:
Hill Billy
Side lungs
Scorpion Kicks
Shoulder Taps
Mnt Man Poopers

Head to the playground for Cindy
20 minutes goal was 6 rounds
3 pull ups
6 merkins
9 squats
Mosey to the bleachers then sprint the 3 sets of stairs then slow mosey back to recover, rinse and repeat

Most ever pax finished at least 5 rounds+
1 minute recovery

Line up for a boombox Indian run around the track then onto the back of the gym
1 round of running man
1 round of bar rows

2 rounds of Hero Wednesday Mornings
10 over head claps
8 donkey kicks
6 secs of BTT and if possible 1 shoulder press

Boombox Indian Run back to the bullpen.
With 1 minute left 6 Burpees for good measure

COT – Be a Porsche with No breaks when it comes to doing the right thing in protecting your family and friends.
Welcome Roy-Rogers!