…. as I was totally confused, by the crowd that posted at the Gipper this morning. New faces, and faces I have not seen in awhile. Then some regulars missing.
Here is how it went:
Warmup; All 20xIC, side straddle hops, good mornings, high knees, arm circles, seal jacks, arm circles, imperial walkers, mummy kicks, hill-billys, toe touches
Over to the rock pile: grab a rock ( or giant boulder if your name is Butt Splice or Shooter) for; rows, overhead presses, curls, forward presses, elfs on the shelfs.
Over to the Taj-Mahal parking lot for a ladder shuffles, forward, reverse and both laterals,
To the front of the Taj-Mahal for a merkin ring-of fire.
Mosey to the Justice Center parking garage for backwards lunge walks and sprints up the ramps. once on top did a few one minute exercises followed by run-arounds.
No Mary today, as we went overtime
Butt Splice prays us out
Thanks for letting me lead today. I had a ribald good time.