This week, we were pleased to have a warm front that rolled in.
We started the beat down with a warmup run and then:
15x Jumping Jacks
7x Cherry Pickers
7x Windmills
10x Sun Gods (each arm)
7x Merkins
7x Squats
Then we mosey-ed to the light poles.
We started the workout with an AMRAP workout of 40 secs on and 20 secs off.
Between 2 light poles, we did 2 Burpees at the first light pole. Running to the 2nd light pole, we did 5 Smurf Jacks, then run back to the first light pole.
We did 5 minutes of AMRAP.
Then we did a Gauntlet with each light pole representing a station:
Station 1: 3x Burpees
Station 2: 15x Merkins
Station 3: 30x Mountain Climbers
Station 4: 45x Squats
Then we did a quick round of Rochamburpee.
We did 5 rounds and one PAX lost the entire time.
After that set, we ran back to the start and did a set of ab workouts.
We ended with the usual close out, sending us off with a prayer to make a difference in lives of those around us.
Looking forward to next time!