Life to the MAX – from Paradox
Life to the MAX – from Paradox

Life to the MAX – from Paradox

PAX:Goose, Pope, AB, Enron, smooth, Cuz, Popeye, Honeysuckle, Wet Tap, Valve

Facts only:

It would be super duper to have an FNG visit from Poland.

And if that FNG posted every day on his vacation, pretty Rad as well.

Could we name him after a nerd scientist with big BIG ideas .
For certain.

But What if I told you (switch to Morpheus voice )
What If I told you, that an FNG from Poland closely connected to one of our own posted all week long through ridiculous IPC preps with a huge smile on his face ?

And I hope now that you are nice and lathered up and your Garmin is recording …because what if one of those same days was actually a feast day for one of the greatest Polish Saints in history ?!

These were the facts in Aug 15 2024 and 10 pax were present at the Den to share the labor.

Grab that red pill and come on in!

Duke! Get the Coups
It’s IPC prepppp

St Max Kolbe was a Catholic polish priest who lived from 1894 to 1941.
Known as the Saint of Aushwitz
He died on August 14 1941 volunteering to exchange his life for another prisoner.

Those are the facts for this beatdown men.
I’ll spare the usual dox fluff (just this once) and encourage you to dig more on this Saints incredible life of sacrifice.

Each round :
Reps : 10, 9, 8 …etc to 1
MOT in between varies

We kept it simple
Each round for a rule of life for St Kolbe.

1. Devotion to our lady at an early age

Purity – no cheat merkins
MOT bearcrawl

2.) Take care of your body in order for our body’s to better be able to glorify and serve God and others.

**As a Friar- he founded one of the largest Franciscan orders of his age
Devoted to exercise he was diligent about starting the day with mutiple rounds of jumping jacks. Seems like a man who loved SSHs and being in time. YHC wishes he had more neighbors like this …

SSH and Karaoke

3.) Worked hard to spread the gospel by all means necessary
Radio, magazine , theater etc

Coupon Squats and coupon Lunges

All of a sudden you could hear every cricket at the Den

4.) We need strong men trained in the faith.
Militia Immaculate
Rifle Carry and Overhead Press

5.) We have a mission to Carry Faith Abroad-
Setup community in Nagasaki
Burpees and Broad Jumps

6.) Growth toward Ultimate Sacrifice

53 merkins for 53 years that Franciszek Gawoniczek lived after St Kolbe gave up his life for him.

COT and tremendous gratitude to Copernicus for showing up all week. Thank you for sharing your story and the suffering with us. We hope you made it through customs with all that F3 swag.

St Kolbe , pray for us !


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