Pre Thang
12 men gathered cordially to experience Yeungling’s VQ on a surprisingly cool spring morning
The Thang
The pax moseyed over to the rear right corner of the park, nearest the intersection of Magazine and Leake, where Yeungling Q’ed his first COP.
SSH in cadence x 25
Hillbillies x 20
Hammy Poppers (this is what Hawg called them in memoriam of Amnesty’s hammy) Touch opposite hand to toe. In cadence x 15
Sudden Change (Burpees x 10)
Hand over Q to Reveille
Mosey to levee
Realize the levee is seperated from the railroad tracks by a moat
Wile E Coyote’s x 10
Mosey to a better spot to cross over onto the Levee, but not until The Wiz, who Kotter’ed today, busts his entire leg tripping on the tracks.
Chevy to the levee (11’s)
Start with 10 sumo squat jumps
Run down levee, 1 LBC
Run back up levee, 9 sumo squat jumps
Run down levee, 2 LBC’s, until 10 LBC’s
Mosey to the fly, meandering up and down the Levee as we go.
Push-o-Rama – All in Cadence
Wide hand push ups x 10
Standard push ups x 10
Diamond push ups x 8
Pike Press x 8
Run to levee and meander a bit more
Mosey to the soccer post in front of the zoo
Peekaboo burpees x 10 OYO – Do a burpee, jump up to the soccer post and do a commando pull up.
Mosey back to the flag
3.5 Minutes of Mary
LBC x 20
Freddie Mercury x 20
Back Scratchers x 20
Shout out by MrAwesome
Continue to remember Channel Mullet’s and Amnesty’s Fathers, batting prostate cancer
Friday, Wolfpack Mountain at the front of Audubon Park, Q’ed by Roots at 5:30am
Saturday, at City Park, 6:30am (our new time) Q’ed by RY and Maverick
Monday at Pontiff Park 5:30am
#Tclaps to The Wiz for a merlot splashingless Kotter. You held your own well
#Tclaps to FNG B Money for posting all the way from the north shore. Word is the alarm had a 3 in it when he woke up.
B Money that is fo real