Lending a Helping Hand
LLeennddiinngg aa HHeellppiinngg HHaanndd

Lending a Helping Hand

QIC:High Rise
PAX:Amnesty, Baywatch, Blazing Saddles, Breadsticks, Choppa, Colonel Mustard, Mambi, Pai Gow, Pop Tart, Quiche, Soft Core, Tool, Tug Boat, Undertaker

A couple weeks ago I helped out my fellow LVCC member Screw Top and we swapped Q’s. Unfortunately Screw Top went and had a minor setback and was not ready to return for his Q so I once again helped him out and took over my original Q slot. On a typical muggy morning 14 PAX, including 2 FNG’s, joined me in the gloom. Disclaimer was given and off we moseyed to the practice track.

Warm up:

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Windmills x 10 IC
  • Arm circles fwx and rev x 10 each IC
  • Grass grabbers x 15 IC
  • Self love x 15 IC

Tha Thang #1:

For the first portion of the beatdown we stayed in the circle for a routine I created a couple weeks ago. It was time for the second attempt of Red Light/Green Light. All red light exercises would be static and all green light exercises would be dynamic. Exercises were called out by the Q and we would immediately change exercises once the randomized timer called out red light or green light.

Red light exercises:

  • Al Gore
  • High plank
  • L side plank
  • R side plank
  • Low plank
  • R leg lunge hold
  • L leg lunge hold
  • Supine leg hold
  • Reverse plank
  • Calf raise hold

Green light exercises:

  • Mountain climbers
  • LBCs
  • Merkins
  • Lateral/cross-over lunges
  • High knees
  • R single leg wife pleasers
  • L single leg wife pleasers
  • Penguins
  • Crunchy frog
  • Freddy Mercury’s

After this we moseyed to Roosevelt Mall where PAX splint into 2 groups for an Indian Run to the steps in front of NOMA.

Tha Thang #2:

At that time we partnered up for some Dora 1,2,3. Combined total of 100 merkins, 200 squats, and 300 LBCs. While PAX #1 performed the exercise, PAX #2 bunny hopped the steps and performed 3 burpees at the top of the steps. I may have overshot this one as I know my group only got halfway through the LBCs before it was time to mosey back to the flag. Although I know multiple groups were able to complete all reps so T-claps to you guys.

Circle up for countoff, name-o-rama, annoucement, named our 2 FNG’s, intentions, and COT. Welcome Blazing Saddles (had a tough time coming up with that name but props to Amnesty for nailing it) and Choppa. Can’t wait to lead again.