Leg Day on the Mountain – Canyon Training – from Sandbar
Leg Day on the Mountain – Canyon Training – from Sandbar

Leg Day on the Mountain – Canyon Training – from Sandbar

PAX:Reluctant Yankee, Tinkles, Couch, Bad Moon, Meatball, Windbreaker, Douille, Whopper, Brown Bag, Crop Top, Thumbwar, Revit, Willy, Gabrielle, King Kong,

YHC is headed the Grand Canyon for the Rim to Rim hike in October and the M. is way ahead of me in training. So Leg Day on the Mountain.
Disclaimer in the soft rain, followed by a slow mosey up and down St. Charles the Loyola palm circle.
Warm up with SSH IC, Grass Grabbers and Windmills.
Mosey to the base of the mountain, then march backwards up the stairs to 6.
Time for the Dirty Mac (modified +1)
-10 Left Leg Shrimp Squat IC
-10 Right Leg Shrimp Squat IC
-10 Sissy Squats IC
-10 Goblet squats IC
Run down 2 ramps, and march up the stairs backwards to 6.
-10 Bulgarian Splits Left Leg IC
-10 Bulgarians Right Leg IC
-10 Jump squats OYO
-10 calf raises, each leg OYO
Down and up again
-10 RL Lunges IC
-10 LL Lunges IC
-10 RL side lunges
-10 LL side lunges
Down and up again.
Discussion about the “advanced wife pleaser.” Perhaps we have had the notion wrong for years. Perhaps this is about a result and not an action…. The ladies like tight buns PAX, and better form on the glute bridges will lead to that result. Think about it.
-10 Left Leg Glute bridges IC
-10 Right Leg Glute bridges IC
-10 Left Leg Reverse lunges IC
-10 Right Leg Reverse lunges IC

And to keep it interesting – 10 quad hip extensions left and right leg IC.
Down the stairs to the benches. Adding a hop to the top of each IC exercise.
-10 RL steps ups, 10 LL Step ups, 10 RL power ups, 10 LL power ups.

Back to the flag. Count-off, Name-o-rama, Announcements and Intentions.

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