Leave Some Men Behind (And then find them) – from Tinkles
LLeeaavvee SSoommee MMeenn BBeehhiinndd ((AAnndd tthheenn ffiinndd tthheemm))  ffrroomm TTiinnkklleess

Leave Some Men Behind (And then find them) – from Tinkles

PAX:Angie’s List, Bieber, Chowdah, El Wire, Jingle Vader, Landing Strip, Mariah, Moana, Moist, Reluctant Yankee, Tinkles, Whopper, Willie, G-spot, Pauley D, Chiquita

It was a nice morning for workout. The park still looks like a firewood farm in many of our usual locations. Good excuse to stick the track for some running. A lighter but spirited crew brought their A-game today.

Warm-up: Arm circles (forwards and back), Grass Grabbers

First Thing: 1.8 mile Indian run around the park. 2 modifying pax finished along with the main group. 2 additional pax were still modifying.

Next Thing: Ring of fire merkins x 2. Still missing two guys.

Next Next Thing: Mosey to lot in front of the zoo for some 4-corners BLIMPS. Pretty sure they will catch up with us soon.

Next Next Next Thing: Head to the parking lot for some Mary. The girls workout is going full blast and who is that over there doing their own Mary… the missing pax! Great instincts to seek out friendly foe! Rewards with Russian Twists, LBCs, Penguins, Dying Cockroaches.

Last Thing: One more four corner BLIMPS modified to take us back to the flag.

Extra Credit: planks with mission impossible.

COT: count off, namorama, and intentions. T-claps to our lost friend Pauly D who is town for a brief stopover and came out to the gloom. Welcome back friend! Have a great week.