I’m the Q again! How did I get here?
I grew up always being a follower, just someone who hung out but things are different. Much different! I’m not a kid any longer and although my sight is getting worse, my vision is getting clearer. I see needs that demand attention, I see needs that are growing, and I see needs that are not going away. What will I do? Will I choose to be a High Impact Man (HIM) or will I choose the path of least resistance?
A good friend and mentor once told me that being a leader will ALWAYS cost me something.
Countoff, Namerama and prayers for my friend Shelly who lost her husband 1 year ago and is raising three young children as a young widow, Fracsac’s dad and Tool’s son.
We headed east to the Seabrook bridge and rode at a brisk pace throughout in an attempt to join the 610 stomp at City Park for their COT. I set the pace early at around 20-21 mph but Da Parish and Woz were on my heels. They dropped me as we neared Franklin Avenue and slowed down as they turned back toward UNO. After I caught up with them, we made a left at Paris and headed to City Park. With 1 minute to spare, we pulled up to the COT and finished 12 burpees as a combined PAX.
So today I lost sleep and the comfort of a warm bed but I gained so much more! God, thank you for allowing me to lead!
Luke 9:24 – For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.
As soon as my living situation is settled, I’ll hop back on some Q’s. I think we should sign up Bleau & Moped. Trial by fire!