31 PAX managed to meet up on a beautiful, calm, cold Friday morning for the WPM. At 5:30, YHC gave his disclaimer. This is YHC’s 1 year anniversary with F3 Nola!!! YHC gave thanks to all the PAX for motivating and pushing him at 5:30 a.m. on a regular basis. YHC told the PAX to modify as needed, whether increasing or decreasing the reps. The key is to maximize your own workout and no one is here to judge.

Short mosey to Loyola campus and to do the following in cadence:
SSHs x 20
Windmills x 20
Imperial Walkers x 20
Seal Jacks x 20
The Thang
Moseyed to the base of the WPM.
1.) Ran up the first ramp and did slow merkins IC x 10, focusing on form rather than speed.
2.) Ran up backwards the second ramp, and YHC called out Bartman to show everyone how a low slow squat is done because YHC noticed Bartman always has perfect form with his squats. Also – YHC gave a shout out to Bartman because YHC’s first F3 beatdown a year ago was Q’ed by him. YHC still remembers his very first Dora 1, 2, 3. Thank You Bartman, who led low slow squat X 10 IC.
3.) Side hopped on the flat level from one end to the other and switched direction in the middle. YHC called out Reluctant Yankee to do his favorite exercise, low country crab X 20 IC. YHC remembers during his very first WPM – Yankee was sweeping the Six, which was YHC. YHC never forgets the importance of sweeping the Six. Thank You Yankee.
4.) Ran up the ramp, and YHC called out Fracsac. YHC’s very first mothership was Q’ed by Fracsac. After the beatdown, YHC remembers this guy loves suicides and Cat. Wine Mixer. Why not….. YHC asked Fracsac to demonstrate the mixer with a 6 count. He led Cat. Wine Mixer X 10 IC.
5.) Karaoke on the flat level from one end to the other and switched direction in the middle. YHC called out Douille for his “Classic Douille”, American Hammer X 20 IC.
6.) Bear crawled up the ramp. Instead of crawling all the way up on this ramp, YHC broke up the crawl by yelling “HALT.” Stayed where everyone was and did 15 incline plank jacks IC. Bear crawled again and “HALT” again and did 15 incline mountain climbers IC. Then finished crawling to the top.
7.) Prisoner ran on the flat level from one end to the other to get to the next ramp. YHC heard few mumble chatter here when YHC announced “burpee broad jumps on the ramp.” YHC broke up this workout by yelling “HALT.” Stayed where everyone was and did 15 incline Peter Parkers IC. Burpee broad jumping again until the next “HALT” and did 15 Imperial Walkers IC. Then finished the burpee broad jumps to the top.
8.) Ran on the flat level from one end to the other to get to the next ramp. The group did lunge walks to the top of the ramp. Once again, YHC broke up the lunge walk in the middle with a “HALT.” Thanks to Gabrielle, the group did 20 decline (rather than incline) Parker Peter IC. Then finished the lunge walk all the way to the top of the mountain.
9.) At the top of the WPM, YHC decided to do some suicides. Ran down the ramp to the third light post and back to the top of the WPM and did 20 leg raises. Ran down the ramp to the second post and back to the top and did 15 leg raises. Finally, ran down the ramp to the closest light post and back to do 10 leg raises.
Ran down the stairs back to Loyola campus where the group started the workout with our warm-ups earlier.
Round of Mary
YHC dedicated this round of Mary to all the HNJ dads, who invited YHC to F3. Without them, YHC would have no idea F3 NOLA is here. YHC called out the following HNJ PAX to lead the following exercise in cadence.
Willie – Very slow Penguins x 15
Medulla – Dying Cockroach x 15
Gabrielle – Nolan Ryan x 10 on each side
YHC wanted to continue to call out the rest of the HNJ PAX but ran out of time. Moseyed back to the flag for the COT right at 6:15 a.m.
Count-O-Rama 30PAX, Name-O-Rama, announcements, intentions. We will start a new Uptown workout on Tuesday. We will meet at the same spot as WPM, top of Audubon Park on St. Charles Ave. Our thoughts and prayers for Piranha’s family as they are expecting their newborn on Monday. Also prayers for De La Salle’s President. I am blessed and thankful to be able to workout with my F3 brothers on a regular basis and hope to do so for many years to come. Thank You all again for the opportunity to lead. Always a pleasure and honor to workout with the PAX. SYITG
King Kong