Keep it 100 – from Paradox
Keep it 100 – from Paradox

Keep it 100 – from Paradox

PAX:Valve, Maneater, Tap, Honeysuckle

5 Ruckers deep
YHC wanted to keep it 100 today

Da Men
Valve- Eater-Suckle-Tap

A solid crew of rucking regulars (minus Tidy)

Warm up on the Fly
Many felt discomfort

Da Work – Benjamin’s

Ruck 2 Track

40-30-20-10 Ruck Squats
40-30-20-10 Ruck OHP

Lactic acid checks were written on the 1st and second floors. Withdrawals available in the am.

Other Rucking Discussion

– Wikipedia college degrees
– Corneal Tattoos
– Jurassic park death count
– Eye Doctor copyright wars
– Basic Institutions of healthcare
– Goats in the Machine incentive programs

MC Ruck is brewing for 8/21
BK 500 is 9/28

Intentions for retreats

COT and Tapper prayed us out

Did we keep it 100?
Is there an entire industry for phallic symbol corneal tattooing ?
Did the guy in the opening scene of JP even die???

Only 5 men know the deep truths today…but ya know they have a saying over at the advanced institution

Real Eyes
Real Lies

Watch your step and keep it atleast 99 today.
