Jump Frac’n Cowboy Jump – from Fracsac
Jump Frac’n Cowboy Jump – from Fracsac

Jump Frac’n Cowboy Jump – from Fracsac

PAX:Fracsac, Space Cowboy

YHC showed up with about a minute before go time to one very eager and thrilled Space Cowboy. All it takes is 2, so it was on.

Brief disclaimer with a mosey to the pad for a warmup of regular stuff and ended with a serious plank-o-rama.

First up was a quarter Murph. Started with a roughly quarter mile, followed by 5 rounds of 5, 10, and 15 pull-ups, ‘mericans, and squats respectively. Finish the quarter mile with a stop at the Cowboy Mobile to grab a couple jump ropes and a football from the Frac Truck.

First up was burpeebroadjumprope about 20 feet and go deep for a pass. Each went a few times. It was a total disaster.

Next was stations at JPAS. 100 jump rope timer while the other does step ups, ‘mericans, and big boi sit-ups. 3 rounds was enough.

Mosey to the ramp of doom. 50 jump ropes, bear crawl halfway up, 50 jump ropes, bear crawl all the way up, 50 jump ropes. Repeat back down.

Mosey back to the flag for CoT

Great way to start the day!!